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The Four Areas of Focus express the vision and yearnings of the people of The Church On The Rock EFC. Narrowing our focus to these four areas allows churches to use their resources effectively as they live out God's vision for the church.


Overcoming Poverty Together:

Christ calls us to be in ministry with the poor and marginalized. Our emphasis is on "with" – standing with those who are regarded as "the least of these," listening to them, understanding their needs and aspirations, and working with them to achieve their goals. It also means addressing the causes of poverty and responding in ways that lift up individuals and communities. Church On The Rock EFC believes working side by side with those striving to improve their situation is more effective long term than top-down charity.


Seeking to Create a Culture of Compassion: 

This culture of compassion extends to those who have had an abortion in their past and those who are considering abortion due to an unwanted pregnancy in the present.  Many women who have had an abortion, and men who have encouraged an abortion, fear being open about their past, even in their accountability groups and close circles. Have you ever thought about the fact that a church is a congregation where everyone has a past? We are all sinners, we are all equally incapable of justifying ourselves through righteousness, and we are all equally dependent on Jesus Christ for our salvation. The church should be a gathering place for humble and honest transparency, which leads to godly encouragement and counsel. Church On The Rock EFC will promote and support adoption and pro-life ministry in general.


Leading where God calls:

The church needs leaders rooted in Christ, who have a vision for changing the world. Today's young people have fearless hearts, vibrant ideas and a passion for ministry. Their talents should be nurtured to shape the church's path into the future. The church must recruit young people — including women and youths in the world over — for ministry, equip them to be effective leaders and be open to where they want to lead us. We also must strengthen lay members, who are ministering at every level of the church and para-church.


Making New Disciples in New Places:

Around the Zambia, Church On The Rock EFC are innovating with what it means to be the church, planting new congregations through small groups and revitalizing faith communities in every kind of setting. Church On The Rock EFC seeks to re-evangelize the world so that we can reach more people, especially the young and those from diverse backgrounds. By being relevant and vital, Church On The Rock EFC will touch more lives and help people move closer to Christ. 


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